Fiche cheval star of epsom

R5C7 du

platkempton park2200M6968handicap (class 6) 220011 partantsdépart à 20:30
11capstanH51p(23)7pAh4ptom marquand/102:23
210trusty scoutH62p7p2p(23)3pcam hardie/11 l 1/2
32nivelle's magicF5(23)1p4p1p1paidan keeley/11/2 l
44fast affairF44p3p(23)5p1pjoe leavy/11/2 l
57star of epsomF6(23)2p3p1p2ppaddy bradley/12 l
63truth will outH49p(23)7p5p7pbenoit de la sayette/1tete
79drill to dreamF5(23)0p6p(22)luke morris/11 l 3/4
88anticipatingF47p(23)4p5p4pwilliam cox/11 l 1/2
95zambezi magicH74p(23)5p0p8pjordan williams/11/2 l
1011canal rocksH8(22)0h5h3h9pdavid probert/113 l
116bloom of greeceF4(23)0p4p7p9prhys clutterbuck/15 l
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